8 Signs Hard Water Is Wrecking Your Hair.
If your hair has felt kind of ‘gross’ lately, and conditioning treatments aren’t helping, you may have a different problem…buildup on your hair. Many of my salon guests live in areas that have very hard water, myself included. I have a well and no softener, which wrecks havoc on my hair! I HAVE to do chelating treatments once monthly or I can barely get a comb through it. Sound familiar?!
Here are 8 signs listed below to see if hard water may be affecting YOUR hair too! Read these, and if I can help you manage the mineral buildup on your hair, reach out and we will take care of this problem for you for just $25!!!
1️⃣ Your hair feels and “clumpy” and dry when wet.
2️⃣ Your hair tangles easily.
3️⃣ You are not getting 100% gray coverage from haircolor.
4️⃣ Your hair looks dull and lacks shine.
5️⃣ Your hair stays frizzy, no matter what you put on it.
6️⃣ Your scalp may be itchy and flaky, or even more greasy than normal.
7️⃣ Your hair lays flat to your head, despite volumizing efforts.
8️⃣ You may be experiencing hair loss or breakage.
So what do you do to combat the buildup of minerals?
If possible, have a whole house water softener installed. I am currently renting a home, so this isn’t an option for me at this time. However, I did the next best thing.
I purchased a shower head with a filter. There are many brands out there to choose from. I use the Sprite brand, which can be purchased at Lowes or Amazon, and likely other places as well. The filter itself goes into the shower head, and is replaced monthly. Its not too terribly expensive when you consider how much money you are saving on shampoo (hard water makes for less suds), and on clarifying products.
In addition to the shower head filter, you can have a chelating treatment done on your hair in the salon. This takes only 20-30 minutes, and removes heavy buildup from your hair and scalp. Weather buildup is from hard water minerals, swimming pool chemicals, or hair product residue, this gentle treatment takes it off, leaving hair silky soft.
And finally, once you’ve had your chelating treatment in the salon, protect your hair so this doesn’t happen as bad in the future.
I recommend Olaplex No.4C Bond Maintenance Shampoo, which is a clarifying and detoxifying shampoo. What I love about this shampoo is the ‘squeak’ you hear after your hair is cleansed, that tells you your locks have had a good deep clean. Use this 2-3 times weekly, letting it sit on your hair about 2-4 minutes before rinsing for best results. All Olaplex products contain their patented bond-building technology, which makes this a superior choice in my opinion compared to other clarifying types of shampoos. Expect MEGA lather out of this one, and a bottle that lasts for many months.
Learn more about Olaplex No. 4C, and other products sold at Salon J
You have great hair. You just don’t know it yet! Water affects SO many aspects of how your hair feels and responds to chemicals. If you would like to schedule your own chelating treatment, you can book online with me, or reach out directly with any questions or scheduling concerns.